"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best."
Nine out of 10 chance you've seen this meme posted, and 10 out of 10 chance it was by someone who has a really, really bad attitude and a terrible track record with relationships. They have also almost certainly said something to the effect of "Yeah, not many girls like me because I'm just so real." No, Sharon. It's because you're a bitch.
Alaska is like that same meme, except not in a bad, I-have-daddy-issues-and-not-the-hot-kind sort of way like our friend Sharon from before.
If you can't handle Alaska at its coldest. Its darkest. Its most desolate. You don't deserve it when the Northern Lights are dancing. When the fire weed is blooming. When the stars are shining brighter than the Krank's Christmas tree.
Sure, Alaska has its harsh moments -- a lot of which we're just now becoming familiar with as we sprint head-first into our inaugural winter season. And it's not for the faint of heart.
But just like with anything you really, really want, you have to work for it. And the results are well worth the struggle. The same as anything in life.
So with that, we'll keep the words short and sweet and let the visuals handle the rest. You judge if the Alaska juice is worth the squeeze.